Code and Hacks

Stuff I've stumbled on or figured out... mostly Perl, Linux, Mac and Cygwin.

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Perl hacker, investor and entrepreneur.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

More theft from Padre

I was pleasantly surprise at the positive response to my last post on Stealing from Padre for Vim--particularly from the Padre developers! Seems they had hoped/planned on separating some of the tools out of the Padre core from the beginning (and many seem to be vimmers).

With their blessing and encouragement, I have pulled the editor independent parts of their PPI::Task tools into its own distribution--PPIx::EditorTools--available now on CPAN. I also adapted the current version of Padre to work wit the external package and released App::EditorTools to provide a command line interface for those editors that need it (i.e., vim). I'll post another screencast and the Vim scripts needed to integrate it shortly.

As a result, I'm depreciating App::LexVarRepl--which was only ever available on github.

Sorry for the short post which is light on links and code, but we are in the process of moving so I'm dedicating the few moments I have to coding this rather than blogging about it...for now at least!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work!

June 29, 2009 at 7:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't like the way my posts look - please remove them

June 29, 2009 at 7:39 PM  

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